
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bubble Gum Infused Vodka

This seemed like a fun concoction to add to my growing collection of infused liquor!

32 pieces of bubblegum, cut in half, or several rolls of bubble tape (it was all they had at the grocery store!)
4 cups (32 ounces) of vodka
3 tbsp sugar
In large airtight container, combine bubblegum, sugar, and vodka. Seal and allow to infuse, shaking every few hours, for about 24 hours. Pour vodka through a strainer and discard bubble gum.
This vodka will need to be filtered at least once.  I explained the best ways to filter candy vodkas in my previous boozy post, when I made Skittles Vodka.  Here's the link (I used the t-shirt filtration again for this vodka, and it worked great! ):

Once all of the white stuff is filtered out (a sort of powdery remnant from the outside of the gum that will float to the top), the bubble gum vodka is ready to serve!  It literally tastes exactly like bubble gum.

The top of my bar is starting to get a little full with all of this infusing!  Looks like it's time for another party!
I would suggest drinking this with Sprite or Ginger Ale.  I also tried it with a bit of grenadine mixed in - mmm, cherry bubblicious!  Or you can drink it as a shot!  Enjoy!

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