Wednesday, April 11, 2012

White Chocolate Peppermint Bark

Oh, almond bark, how do I love thee... let me count the ways.

Yield:  About 30 pieces

1 sleeve salted saltine crackers
1 package almond bark
Sprinkles (if desired)

This might be the simplest thing on earth.  And it's even somewhat frugal!  Melt the almond bark slowly, according to the package directions.  Lay out a sheet of wax paper.  Dip each saltine cracker in the melted chocolate, let extra fluid drip off, then lay on wax paper to dry.  Sprinkle any desired sprinkles over the top while still wet.  For this recipe, because it was over the holidays, I used crushed candy canes, but if it is off season and you want to make the peppermint bark, you could easily crush peppermints.

It will take just about 10-15 minutes for these to dry - once they have, you can check for problem areas and cover up any bare spots with additional melted chocolate.  Make these with vanilla or milk chocolate, food coloring, graham crackers, any type of sprinkles, candy, or sea salt on top.  Enjoy!

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